The Story of the Pink and Fluffy Towel

pink-and-fluffyIt came in a beautifully decorated hat box—a gift any woman would love!  A luxurious, thirsty, 1200 thread count, Egyptian Cotton towel in the most delicate shade of pink.  It was gently scented from the delightfully fragrant candle included in the box and so soft you could practically fall asleep resting your face against it.  Only a hardworking woman could understand how special a gift it was!

What made it even more special was that, at the time, I didn’t know who had given it to me.  My Secret Sister at church had blessed me with this thoughtful gift.  She was someone who was thinking of me, praying for me, planning and doing things especially for me, then giggling about them because I had no clue who she was—a hardworking woman herself, no doubt!

I knew she had put a lot of thought into this gift and I heard loud and clear the message she was sending.  “You deserve a break, you deserve to be pampered.  I think you’re special! I understand!”  Awwwh, how sweet!!  I was so touched.

I decided right away not to waste this precious gift on a simple shower.  No, I was going to savor this gift.  The next hard day I had, it was going to bring me the comfort, the pampering that its giver had intended.  It sounded funny, but I couldn’t wait … not for the hard day, of course, but for the ease it would bring.

So, I did what any woman would do … I hid it!  I put my towel up high in my linen closet on top of some curtains I was storing there.  I put it out of sight from the men in my house (my husband and my two boys) and waited for the next day I really needed some pampering.

Sure enough it didn’t take long for the next hard day to come and, boy, was it a doozie!  Everything that could go wrong that day, did.  I couldn’t wait to get home from work.  After supper, I was going to steal away, fill the tub with the hottest water I could stand, drizzle my favorite bubble bath into the current, light my candle and soak until I looked like a prune.  Then I was going to use my pink, fluffy, luxurious Egyptian Cotton towel to comfort my weary body.

I hurried through supper and cleared the table.  At last, it was time.  I went to the linen closet and felt up high where I had hid my towel.  What?!!!  It wasn’t there!  No, it must be a mistake!  I went back to the kitchen and got a chair to stand on.  I combed the shelves and was getting just a little frantic in my search as my sweet husband “bee-bopped” into the room.

“Whatcha doing, honey?”, he innocently AND cheerfully asked.  Then I explained that I was looking for my new towel.  “Was it pink?” he sweetly, unknowingly, inquired.

I froze…Fear, disbelief, disappointment and anger struck the chords of my heart all at once.  And, my response to my husband I’m sure was anything but melodious to his ears!

Bless his unknowing, innocent “man” heart!  Earlier that night, he had been preparing to get a shower and caught a glimpse of the towel and just grabbed it right on up and used it without a thought for its “preciousness”.  There it hung now drying on the back of the door like any old normal, unappreciated ‘man’ towel. I wanted to cry.

Some things that mean so much to us, may not be understood by our men.  God sure made men and women different from each other!  Aren’t we glad?  But, boy, we’ve got to communicate, communicate, communicate to avoid trouble!

When Scott heard the whole story, he was so sorry he had spoiled my surprise.  I should have told him from the start about my towel instead of hiding it.  The next chance he had after that, he made it all better!  He gave me a beautiful box with a special towel and included a gift set of my favorite perfume.  He even sprinkled powders on the towel to give it an “extra girly, pampering appeal”.  He is so romantic and sweet like that and I’m so blessed!

Looking back, we laugh every time we talk about the night he lavished himself in luxury with my special towel.  But, in the end, I had to forgive him.

You see, I love him more than a towel, … and that’s saying something … after all it was luxurious, thirsty, Egyptian Cotton, pink and fluffy … 

Many times we have the best laid plans on how we are going to get by, only to find that God has something different in store for us. At the moment when our plans do not work out as we dream, it is such a disappointment. But then when God reveals His plan, we find it works out to perfection, just as He had planned. And often He teaches us a lesson in the middle of it.

Dear Lord:  Thank you for good friends and good spouses, both which love us and bless us in their own unique ways. Thank You for reminding us that even when our plans do not work out, it is okay because You are always working an even better plan in our lives. Thank You that You care about our hard days and our need for comfort, and that there is nothing more comforting than the warmth, love and comfort of Your arms when we are weary. Please bless those reading this today who need a touch from You. May they be encouraged to know that You have a better plan waiting even when their plans do not work out. Thank You that You love us so much that You are working it all for our good and Your glory. Amen 

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. Psalm 119:76

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogpost today. Please share your comments, thoughts and experiences. May God comfort you and bring you peace today no matter what you are facing. He is faithfully waiting for us to crawl into His loving arms and rest there today.

About Sharon Hawkins

Sharon Hawkins wants others to know that she is totally in love with Jesus. Through hardships, trials and blessings, she has learned that there is no end to His mercy, His grace and His faithfulness. There’s simply no better friend than Jesus. In 2008, she answered God’s calling to begin a Ministry called Grace in The Wilderness. She loves to encourage other people, and, through the Ministry’s Newsletters and Conferences, she and others are challenging women and teens to discover Christ in a new and deeper way, who they are in Him and His plan for their lives. She has been a business owner for the last twenty years. Five years ago, she learned about forgiveness at a new level with the betrayal of a close friend who embezzled from her business and was sent to prison. Sharon has experienced God’s incredible grace through adversity during breast cancer and melanoma diagnoses and multiple surgeries that have perpetuated a continuing painful nerve illness. Both cancers were stage 1 and she has now been cancer free for four years. Her cancer journey is chronicled at Recently, she sold a large part of her business as God has prepared her to turn a page in her life and focus more on ministry. With God’s amazing provision and the support of her wonderful friends and family—husband, Scott, and sons, Taylor and Bradley, Sharon is, not only surviving her wilderness one day at a time, but finding that His grace is more than sufficient no matter what.


The Story of the Pink and Fluffy Towel — 4 Comments

  1. As the only woman in our house also, I can understand the lack of appreciation for luxurious linens. LOL Yet, God did provide us with wonderful husbands and precious boys. I am blessed.

  2. I love this story! FIrst of all, I was totally getting into the idea of this sweet-smelling, soft, luxurious pink towel! I could actually feel it and smell it. I could just see your face when you realized the towel was gone. I’m guessing that in the back of your mind, you were already thinking “man”. LOL

    Good message, my friend. You are right. We should never HIDE the things we treasure. Whether is is a soft, fluffy pink towel or the love lavished on us by understanding and loving “men”. LOL

    • Thank you, Cathy! I still remember it so vividly even though it was a few years ago. Yes, I was definitely thinking “man” at the time when I discovered it was gone. He’s pretty awesome to spoil me like that after he discovered his error. I think I will keep him. I’m pretty blessed I’d say.

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