Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior

It seems like everybody I know has a child heading back to school around this time. Facebook and Instagram are covered with first day of school pictures. I am feeling a little bit of withdrawal considering this is the first year in 21 years that I don’t have a child heading back to class. (With the exception of my daughter-in-law who is doing her field work for her Masters. She will graduate in December. Go Reid!)
My son, Bradley, just graduated high school in June and he is taking a year to work full-time before stepping into the next adventure of his life—probably military or perhaps college. He is doing so well at Chick-Fil-A and was just recognized by management this Team Member Tuesday. You go, Bradley! I am one proud mom!
My son, Taylor, turns 25 today. Happy Birthday! Can you believe that much time has passed? I always joyfully celebrate our birthday, Honey, as it was mine too, so to speak!
I remember all the years that starting my kids back to school was a big deal. Will they adjust well? Will they make the right friends? Will they make good students?
My heart goes out to the moms of little ones who are sending their children off to school for the first time. Maybe you are one of the moms who could not keep her mind on her job this week because it was over at the elementary school.
Prayer may no longer be allowed at school, but there are sure a lot of moms praying on the drive there around this time of the year. Somehow our children make it through that first day of the first year, then year after year after that. Those early years we think our kids simply must have all new clothes. Those last years of high school we tell our kids surely you have something you can wear in your closet already.
I am visiting my friend, Cathy, in Port Charlotte, Florida this week. We attended her church, New Day Christian Church, together this past Sunday. Pastor Russell gave a wonderful message on how children play a vital role in our disciple-making strategy. Enjoy Pastor Rusty Russell’s sermon here:
He said his biggest regret in raising his children was that he blinked. He blinked … and they were grown. I could not agree more. There are lots of country music songs written about this topic too. The days go slowly, but the years fly by.
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” Psalm 127:3-4
Pastor Russell said our children are the best weapons we have to fight against Satan and evil.
1. Aim Your Arrow.
2. Prepare Your Arrow.
3. Release Your Arrow and pray they pierce the darkness with Jesus Christ.
Aim, prepare, release. Sounds easy enough.
Just remember to keep praying in that car rider line. Never forget what a gift from God children are. Keep being that warrior and live that life in front of them. Day after day. Year after year.
All too soon they will be launched. The direction they fly will most certainly be influenced by you.
Dear Lord: Thank you for the gift of children. Please be with all the students returning to school right now. Keep them safe. Help them flourish and grow in knowledge and understanding, especially of You, and to be kind and loving to others. Help us to guide them in Your paths and in Your ways. May we be warriors for You who are unafraid to raise our children as warriors too. Keep our aim steady toward You, direct us as we prepare our children for life, and may we one day be able to release them to live the life You have planned for them, one that fights the enemy and most of all glorifies You. Amen
Do you have a story to share about your children going back to school? About how they are growing and the time is flying by? About how God is working in their lives and the lives of your family? We would love to hear your experiences, thoughts and comments.
Thank you for reading and sharing my blogpost today. May God bless this new school year, and watch over our students and teachers.