Open Letter to My Mom in Heaven

Dear Mama:

It has been ten years since we were together. Those words sound so strange even writing them. How can someone live without their mom? We always need our moms. Tears are forming just thinking about how much I still need you.

There is not a week that goes by that I don’t think about you and miss you since you went to Heaven. That is especially true this time of year, and especially this year. The Sunday that time changed on March 9, 2008 was the day you stepped into Heaven to live with Jesus. It was just before midnight. How fitting that God chose the start of Spring to call you to the Land of Eternal Spring with Him. As the world comes back to life each Spring, I am reminded of the new life that you now live in a place of unimaginable beauty and glory with Jesus and with Daddy.

You have always loved the Spring! Flowers and birds were so much your thing that I don’t know how you ever survived through the Winters. I planted some of your daffodils in my yard last Summer, and they are coming up now. I almost feel you walking beside me when I go out to check on them every day to see if a new one is blooming. And when one is, I feel you smile at me. You would be so proud. I finally figured out the flower thing. You would never believe it, but I think I did actually inherit a little bit of your green thumb after all. By the way, I went to your house last week, and I saw your tulips coming up again this year. Your green thumb is still bearing a harvest after all these years.

And, I never got why you loved the birds so much. But, guess what, I feed them now. I have feeders all over my yard (lots of them yours), and I love to watch them. Yesterday, some new birds descended on our yard, and they had the most beautiful song. It sounded like a shrill chirp and then water dripping. I researched them last night and found out that they were cowbirds. They take over your song birds’ nests. I was relieved when I did not hear them today. I guess they were just passing through. This morning, I saw robins hopping all over the yard, and a pair of wrens building a nest in the crook of our gutter pipe.

If you were still here, we could work in our flowers together. You could teach me more about them, and which song comes from which bird and their names. You knew all about that.  I was too busy running a business and raising a family and doing everything else when you were living to do those things. Oh, if we could have one more afternoon together, I would make it count.

I am sure you would tell me that the beauty of this Earth does not compare with what you are experiencing every day in Heaven. Oh, how I would love to hear all about that! I know you would tell me about the beauties of Heaven, and how you love being there with Jesus. I know that you are so glad that Daddy is there now too, and that you can’t wait for the day that all the rest of your family comes to join you. I am excited too, Mama, but I know that God has things for me to do here first. I want to take as many people with me as I can when I come.

God has blessed me with a women’s ministry called Grace In The Wilderness, and to be a teacher of a women’s Sunday School class, that I love, love, love—my Grace Ladies. Serving the Lord is my passion! You and I share that passion, because you adored teaching the little kids about Jesus in Sunday School. Mama, you and Daddy taught me so much about serving, and how to love other people. Thank you!

There has been some other stuff that has gone on in this ten years since you have been gone. Some very good, great in fact—you now have four beautiful great grandchildren. I bet Daddy has already told you about the three of them that came along while he was still here. Austin and Meryl now have another little guy named Barnabas. He is so precious, just like their other three.

Some things not so good have happened too. In 2011, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I had both of my breasts removed. I also had melanoma. Boy, that was hard going through without you! I know that you understand because of your battles with breast cancer and colon cancer. Now I am cancer-free. We share that healing in common, because God healed you of your cancer when you got to Heaven. Praise the Lord! He is so faithful and good!

As time has gone on, I have grown even closer to you though you were not physically here. Life experiences have given me a deeper understanding and admiration of you. I have learned lessons for myself that ring so true to things that you and Daddy told me in years past. It is amazing how much smarter your parents get as you become older and have some of the same experiences they did. I have missed you both so much, but in so many ways you are still with me every day.

I wanted to write about hope in my blog today, but you were on my mind so I decided to write you this letter. Funny how God planted that idea of hope in my mind, and then turned my thoughts toward you.

There is no greater hope than Heaven. Now that you and Daddy are there waiting, Heaven gets sweeter all the time. I will see you one day and we can finish catching up. We will have all eternity for that.

Thank you for taking me to church and living your faith in front of me. Because of that, one Sunday when I was nine, I came to know Jesus and I asked Him into my heart. I am so grateful for my salvation, and that Jesus loved us so much that He made a way for us to be together with Him forever. I cannot praise Him enough for that.

Somehow, I think meeting Jesus face to face, seeing you and Daddy again, touring Heaven and seeing my mansion are going to make me forget all about the minor details of this life. Even so, I am sure we will still find plenty to talk about. Until then, my heart longs for that day that I will see you again.

I miss you, Mama! Happy 10th Anniversary in Heaven! I love you! Sharon

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelations 21:4

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:17

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogpost today. If your mom is still living, go see her, hug her and share your heart with her. One day you may long to have just ten more minutes with her. May God bless you and your family as you enjoy this beautiful Spring!


About Sharon Hawkins

Sharon Hawkins wants others to know that she is totally in love with Jesus. Through hardships, trials and blessings, she has learned that there is no end to His mercy, His grace and His faithfulness. There’s simply no better friend than Jesus. In 2008, she answered God’s calling to begin a Ministry called Grace in The Wilderness. She loves to encourage other people, and, through the Ministry’s Newsletters and Conferences, she and others are challenging women and teens to discover Christ in a new and deeper way, who they are in Him and His plan for their lives. She has been a business owner for the last twenty years. Five years ago, she learned about forgiveness at a new level with the betrayal of a close friend who embezzled from her business and was sent to prison. Sharon has experienced God’s incredible grace through adversity during breast cancer and melanoma diagnoses and multiple surgeries that have perpetuated a continuing painful nerve illness. Both cancers were stage 1 and she has now been cancer free for four years. Her cancer journey is chronicled at Recently, she sold a large part of her business as God has prepared her to turn a page in her life and focus more on ministry. With God’s amazing provision and the support of her wonderful friends and family—husband, Scott, and sons, Taylor and Bradley, Sharon is, not only surviving her wilderness one day at a time, but finding that His grace is more than sufficient no matter what.


Open Letter to My Mom in Heaven — 8 Comments

  1. Oh, sweet, dear friend. What a beautiful letter and tribute to your mom and to your love for her. What beautiful memories you shared with all of us. As moms, we always wonder IF our children will “get”, or remember, the important seeds we sew. Your letter to your momma brings great hope to every woman’s heart — that seeds sewn in love do bloom! I’m sending you great hugs and prayers today and praying that this beautiful letter to your mom also brought your heart peace and happiness.

    • Thank you, Cathy, for your sweet note! You are so right! Moms have a huge impact in our lives and on our hearts. To introduce their children to Jesus is the greatest thing a mom can ever do. Everywhere I looked this week, I saw reminders of my mom. So I had to write her. Yes, it was a great comfort to me to write her and “cry it out”. Next week, I will probably write that hope blog. But then again, this one was about hope too. Thanks so much for always encouraging me and inspiring my blogs with our little chats. I miss you friend! Cannot wait until you move back to SC so we can chat and encourage and inspire each other in person. Love yoU!

  2. Tears come to my eyes as I read this!!! I remember your mom and dad. I was your first babysitter!!!! First came Roger and then the prettiest little blonde girl!!! I have read several of your blogs before but this one was really special!!

    • Oh, Sandra! Thank you so much for your note, and for reminding me of that special relationship! Even though I was little, I still remember you and your family. Man, it has been so many years ago! Hope you and your family are doing well. Thanks again for brightening my day :)!

  3. My sweet Sharon, that was just beautiful! I can only imagine how much you miss your mama. I know my time is coming sooner than I want. My life will be so different without my mama. I will weep from a broken heart but cry tears of joy at the same time. She is very anxious to meet her Heavenly Father as all Christians are but I think she is more anxious than most. I have been missing my daddy for 31 years, my brother for 9 years, my best friend for 8 years, and my son for a little more than 1 1/2. My heart is selfishly sad because I want them all with me but I would not ask them to leave heaven for anything. They are so blessed, happy, and well! I will see them again as you will see your mom and dad! I will be so happy to see and hug your mama and daddy, too! I love them dearly! They are gone from my sight but not from my heart as are all of my aunts and uncles that are with Jesus! You and I will be there together when God says it’s time. We can have a big family reunion and rejoice! (After we see Jesus, of course) I get so excited every time i think about it! I love you Sharon and I love your words that you write! I know the Lord is so pleased with you and your ministry. ❤️❤️

    • Thank you, sweet Kim! I am praying for your mom and for you. I know these are difficult days, but try to treasure every minute with your precious mom. You and she remain in my thoughts and prayers. I am so thankful that we can live our lives with the hope of living for eternity with our loved ones and with Jesus. We will get new bodies too. I cannot wait for that part, and for when we will never have to say goodbye to our loved ones again. That hope and promise make all the difference in the world. Jesus made all the difference for us. Thanks for your encouraging words. Love and prayers for you!

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