Open Letter to the Guy at the Beach

Dear Guy at the Beach: You don’t know me. You have seen me before, but you would not recognize me. I have passed you walking on the beach many times in my mind through the years.

I first knew about you as I was walking on Myrtle Beach with my family, maybe ten years ago. All the people on the beach were standing and pointing out toward the water. You were far from the beach on a float, and you were in trouble. You and a friend had gotten out too far and were caught in the waves.

After much effort, your friend was able to battle the tide, and he made it back to shore. You could not overcome the surf. We all watched in horror as the ocean repeatedly swallowed you up and spit you back up to the surface. This churning went on for what seemed like an eternity. At times, you were down for so long, it seemed unimaginable that you could survive. I prayed (I am sure along with so many others on the beach), “Lord, please don’t let this young man die today.” My heart sank every time you did as I stood there helpless to save you, pleading with God to send someone who could.

Rescue personnel were arriving just as a well-toned 60 to 70-year-old surfer ran past us into the water. I can still remember it so vividly. He was tanned, wore a Hawaiian bathing suit, and handled his surfboard with such determination. He reached you in what seemed like a matter of seconds. After an intense struggle, he rescued you that day. We watched as they worked to bring you back to life. Everyone cheered.

I whispered my thank you’s to our awesome God for saving you that day. Standing there on the beach as you were coming back to life, I heard God whisper back to me, “If you see him again on the beach, I want you to tell him that I saved him for a reason. He has a purpose.”

That meeting came a day or so later. I met you walking on the beach with your friends. My heart was racing as you approached. God’s message was right there ready to spring from my lips.

Our eyes met. Then, … I walked right past you without saying a word. Instantly, I regretted it. I started to go chase you down as you continued walking and talking with your friend. But I didn’t. I missed that opportunity. I had missed a divine appointment.

The next days at the beach I searched for you frantically. But I never saw you again.

Through the years, I have replayed our meeting over and over in my mind. I am so sorry that I didn’t talk with you that day. I remember thinking that you had been through a lot and didn’t need someone to preach to you that day. I remember being concerned about what you and your friend would have thought if this weird lady approached you with a divine word from Heaven.

I can’t tell you how deeply I regret not doing it.  I know that God could easily use someone else to relay that message, but he had asked me to do it. I had let him down and I let you down. Some things you just can’t do over. This was one of them.  I have asked for His forgiveness, and I ask for yours.

Maybe some one else had the courage to relay God’s message. Maybe there is some way this letter will find you. I pray you are well, and that God used that experience on the beach that day to change your life. I know it has mine.

Sincerely, Sharon

Every day there are missed opportunities. If we are not paying attention or if we are not being obedient, we will miss divine appointments that God has arranged. I hope to make the most of every opportunity God gives me now because of my regret over those missed in the past. We can’t wallow with guilt or regret, we must use missed experiences as bridges to the future where we take advantage of the circumstances into which God puts us. I strive to look for those opportunities more and to carry through. As my friend, Cindy Brown, says, “Spread the Word, who cares what they think.”

Dear Lord: Thank You for divine appointments, and that someone had the courage to tell me about You all those years ago. Forgive us where we fail You. Forgive me for failing You. I know I do that every day. Please give us boldness. Give us ears to hear Your voice. Give us eyes to see those around us in need, and give us opportunities to share Your love. Thank You for Your great love for us in the form of Your Son Jesus Christ who shed His precious blood so that whoever believes in Him might be saved. May we always have that message ready and waiting for the next appointment. Amen

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

Would you like to share how God has arranged a divine appointment for you? Please share your comments, thoughts and experiences with us by replying below.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogpost today. May God bless us with opportunities and courage to share His love every day.


About Sharon Hawkins

Sharon Hawkins wants others to know that she is totally in love with Jesus. Through hardships, trials and blessings, she has learned that there is no end to His mercy, His grace and His faithfulness. There’s simply no better friend than Jesus. In 2008, she answered God’s calling to begin a Ministry called Grace in The Wilderness. She loves to encourage other people, and, through the Ministry’s Newsletters and Conferences, she and others are challenging women and teens to discover Christ in a new and deeper way, who they are in Him and His plan for their lives. She has been a business owner for the last twenty years. Five years ago, she learned about forgiveness at a new level with the betrayal of a close friend who embezzled from her business and was sent to prison. Sharon has experienced God’s incredible grace through adversity during breast cancer and melanoma diagnoses and multiple surgeries that have perpetuated a continuing painful nerve illness. Both cancers were stage 1 and she has now been cancer free for four years. Her cancer journey is chronicled at Recently, she sold a large part of her business as God has prepared her to turn a page in her life and focus more on ministry. With God’s amazing provision and the support of her wonderful friends and family—husband, Scott, and sons, Taylor and Bradley, Sharon is, not only surviving her wilderness one day at a time, but finding that His grace is more than sufficient no matter what.


Open Letter to the Guy at the Beach — 12 Comments

  1. This was wonderful. We all miss opportunities to share God with others. Thank you for reminding us to always be ready.

  2. Oh, dear friend …. I pray that through the wonders of our God and the Internet, that some how, some way the “Guy On The Beach” gets to read this. I also pray that the telling of this story helps each of us be aware of the divine appointments that our God gives us and that we will use this story to ACT when God calls. I pray your heart is a bit lighter today .. knowing that you have shared this important story with so many women.

    • Thank you for your encouragement, Cathy! This encounter changed my life. I am glad I was able to share it. I pray it makes a difference to someone. As you said, it would be awesome if it reached the guy who was at the beach.

  3. We all miss so many appointments! We are not always strong or bold. God forgive us when we lack the courage to share your love, to share you.

    I would like to share a divine appointment that I will not know the answer to – until I get to Heaven.

    My BFF Marli, lives in Brazil. In 1990 I visited her and stayed the whole month of December. We took 3 bus tours to different cities in Brazil. On the first tour, we met a guy, Branco, from the country that used to be Yugoslavia. He was touring Brazil with his aunt.

    Marli and I talked with this young man a lot. One Sunday we visited a beautiful church. After leaving, he said “I do not believe in God. Do you?” Never had I been asked such s question. Never!

    Marli and I, both being Christians, got the opportunity to witness to him for about 5 days after that. We prayed with him and said our good byes.

    Our next scheduled tour left from the huge city of São Paulo. As Marli and I were waiting to get on the bus, Branco walked around the corner! He was once again going on the same tour. So we talked with him every chance we got.

    At the end of that tour we asked where he was going next. We could not believe but he was going to the same city that we were going to -again! This was not a bus tour but we got info about where he would be staying.

    Before driving to that city, Marli and I found a store that sold Bibles and had one in English. We purchased a Bible and gave it to Branco when we saw him the 3rd time. He promised us that he would read it.

    My trip came to an end. Marli and I were saying our goodbyes in the São Paulo Airpory. I looked up – and there was Branco! He had asked Marli when I was leaving so he wanted to tell us both goodbye.

    I know in my heart that God arranged all of these meetings with Branco. I will never forget him and he will never forget me because his wife was born September 7, 1952, the same day I was born.

    I tried to contact him after our trip but am not sure he received my letters due to the turmoil in his country at that time. I have faith that he read the Bible we gave him. I have faith that he accepted The Lord as His Savior!

    I did not share this to be boasting. God knows I’ve missed so many opportunities. But this one time I did my best to share God’s love with someone.

    • Wow, that is awesome, Martha! I am sure you will see him a fourth time in Heaven. What a life-changing experience! Thank you for sharing this. As I think about how different you must feel about that experience than the one I shared, I am inspired even more to share Jesus at every opportunity. I know it inspires others reading this too. Thank you for your faithfulness to respond to those divine appointments and for sharing it now. May God bless you always!

  4. WOW! Just WOW

    It’s 4:30am and I was scrolling through Facebook trying to stay awake. David is having a rough night so I dare not fall asleep.
    Seeing Your Blog was Such A Blessing.
    When I think about All the times in my life I have let God down, I Crumble to my knees.
    It is Truly Amazing how HE Continues to forgive us and Love us even though we break HIS Heart time and time again.
    I Pray that “The Man on The Beach” sees this Blog. I Pray that his heart races as he reads each word and Most of All I Pray that God opened up his eyes and his heart that day and that he has spend his life living out his Purpose.

    I Love You my Sweet and Precious Friend,

    • Thank you, Linda! I so want to live my life with no regrets, but unfortunately, I fail God alot. I am so glad He is the God of second and third and fourth chances. The ones that are hard are the ones we cannot do over–opportunities lost forever. Thank you for your prayers and for your friendship! May God bless you and your sweet family always. I love you too!

  5. Sharon, I’m so glad that I’m not the only one with regrets. Kitty and I had prayed for several years to be used on the mission field helping set up water treatment plants. God finally opened up a door allowing me the opportunity to bring safe drinking water to the people of Iraq. Not only did i get the opportunity to serve the people of Iraq but a very lucrative salary and benefit package. Long story short I wrote all the training, operations and maintenance manuals and trained the Iraqi people how to safely treat their most important resource water. After three trip I decided I had had enough and refused to go back after returning home for r&r. Two months later while working in my office in Greenville I became very ill, spent 28 days in the hospital part of on life support. For three years after, still out of work because of my illness, I prayed with no answer from God. About 4:30 in the morning I was praying and begging for some relief, God spoke and told me that I had let him down. See what people didn’t know was I had begged him for that opportunity, not necessarily Iraq, but thats where he put me and he reminded me that he had gave me 31 million Iraqi people, 99 percent Muslim, to spread the Gospel too and I had let him down. I have been disabled since then and have spent months and years wishing I hadn’t quit. Sorry for the long post but if one person can learn from my mistakes, and they are our greatest teacher, I would just say stick with God and run the race that’s set before you because it just take one second of taking your eyes off the finish line and we end up in a lane that wasn’t meant for us and none of us can run another’s race. Take good care of my old friend as I’m sure he’s taking care of you

    • Thank you, Ray, for sharing your powerful story. It is a bitter pill to swallow when we miss God’s calling, especially when those opportunities are lost forever. Like you, I pray my story will help someone else not make the same mistake. I know that God can use someone else to fulfill His will, but when He asked me and I was not obedient, it left a sore spot in my life. I know He is faithful and just to forgive us when we ask. That’s what I cling to. His grace is enough, even when I let Him down. Thanks again for sharing your amazing story. May God bless you and Kitty always!

      • Ray,
        As I read your story tears filled my eyes.
        It breaks our hearts when we think of all the times we let God down.

        But, I was also thinking, as I read, about what an On Time God we Serve. There’s something that’s been on my heart for weeks and it’s about “Water”.

        My son, along with 14 others are in a small town near Arequipa Peru helping an orphanage for Handicapped Children and others in that area.
        One of the biggest problems these Precious People face is No Running water / no drinking water.
        Our team will be trucking in water a time or two for them while they are there but that’s only a temporary fix.
        After our Mission Team returns on the (16th or 17th) from Peru, would you be willing to speak to them about ways our Church can make a permanent change in the lives of these people by getting water to them 365 days a year?

        You can also see our family’s Testimony at
        Sharon is a Dear Friend of ours.

        • Dear Linda: I love watching God work! He is such a Big, Big God! Thank you, Linda, for sharing your sweet heart with us and reaching out to Ray. I am praying for Trammell’s mission trip and the team there, and the people of Peru. Praying for you and David back home too! Love you!

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