A New Year of Living, Loving, Laughing and Lasting

A year has now past since I started this blogging thing. This time last year, I posted my first blog, “A New Thing”. As I look back over the year and my posts, I see that there was a lot of living, loving, laughing and, frankly, just “lasting” during 2016. God called me to be more transparent in my writing. I tried. Let’s just say I am a work in progress.

In January of 2016, my dad died after a 27-year battle with Parkinson’s. In January, my son, Taylor, became engaged to his sweetheart Reid to be married in October, 2016. Before January was over, the stage for the whole year was already set. It was going to be a very sad year. It was going to be a very happy year. And now looking back, it was both.

This past year, I received some relief from my nerve pain illness when overnight the neck pain that had been there for five years vanished. Soon after, it heightened in a new spot and persists still today. I guess God’s answer to that prayer is either “No” or “Wait”. In the meantime, I know he is working a plan in my life. Maybe this is my thorn, like Paul had, to keep me humble.

God brought a special young lady to help with our Grace In The Wilderness Teen Ministry, Kayla Rampey. He is quickly expanding that ministry now with the addition of a weekly blog, monthly newsletters and a second teen conference coming up in January. She is doing a fantastic job. We had been praying for new life for our teen ministry, and, out of the blue, Kayla wrote me and volunteered to help us. Go God!

This year I started a new support group for moms of children with Attachment Disorders. I have received the biggest blessing of all from these moms.

Only God knows what will happen this year, and how quickly life can change. I do not know what the future holds, but I know that God holds the future. I predict that, while this new year will be filled with challenges, it will be filled with new opportunities too.

Just today, God presented me with a new opportunity for ministry. Looks like the stage is already being set. It is going to be a great year!

“Each New Year, we have before us a brand new book containing 365 blank pages. Let us fill them with all the forgotten things from last year—the words we forgot to say, the love we forgot to show, and the charity we forgot to offer.” —Peggy Toney Horton

Let’s not look back on the pages turned in disappointment, but ahead to the promises of God left to unfold in the new chapter of our lives called 2017. Let’s place our hope, not in the new year, but in the One who makes all things new.

Dear Lord: Thank You for another new year of life, love, laughter and lasting with Your help. Please equip us for the challenges and the opportunities that this new year will hold. Please guide our steps and guard our hearts, and walk with us through every day of the new year.  Amen

You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance. Psalm 65:11

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

What will your new year hold? Is there something left undone from last year that you need to do? Is God calling you to a new opportunity? If not now, when? Are you facing challenges this year that we can join you in praying about? Please share with us.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogpost. May God bless you and your family in 2017.

About Sharon Hawkins

Sharon Hawkins wants others to know that she is totally in love with Jesus. Through hardships, trials and blessings, she has learned that there is no end to His mercy, His grace and His faithfulness. There’s simply no better friend than Jesus. In 2008, she answered God’s calling to begin a Ministry called Grace in The Wilderness. She loves to encourage other people, and, through the Ministry’s Newsletters and Conferences, she and others are challenging women and teens to discover Christ in a new and deeper way, who they are in Him and His plan for their lives. She has been a business owner for the last twenty years. Five years ago, she learned about forgiveness at a new level with the betrayal of a close friend who embezzled from her business and was sent to prison. Sharon has experienced God’s incredible grace through adversity during breast cancer and melanoma diagnoses and multiple surgeries that have perpetuated a continuing painful nerve illness. Both cancers were stage 1 and she has now been cancer free for four years. Her cancer journey is chronicled at www.caringbridge.org/visit/sharonhawkins. Recently, she sold a large part of her business as God has prepared her to turn a page in her life and focus more on ministry. With God’s amazing provision and the support of her wonderful friends and family—husband, Scott, and sons, Taylor and Bradley, Sharon is, not only surviving her wilderness one day at a time, but finding that His grace is more than sufficient no matter what.


A New Year of Living, Loving, Laughing and Lasting — 2 Comments

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