Grace… Grace… Grace…

When I was lost in sin and needed a loving Savior… He found me, and His amazing love saved me. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
God reveals His greatness to me… right after I’ve shown an ungrateful heart. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
A beautiful sunset breaks through the clouds… and encourages my broken
heart. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
He’s faithful to me… when I’m not faithful to Him. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I’m so unlovely … He showers amazing love on me. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
His grace falls on me… when my world is falling apart. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I have no answers… He is the answer. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I feel so ugly from all the scars of my physical battles with cancer… He reminds me I am His beautiful daughter, a treasured daughter of the King. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I am so weary of the spiritual and physical battles of this life… I am reminded that this world is not my home. He has prepared a place in Heaven for me. While I am here, He has things for me to do though. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I need a friend…what a friend I have in Jesus! …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When the world says I am not enough… I can do all things through Him, because He strengthens me. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I question who I am, and why I’m here… His Word gives me all those answers challenging me to remember who I am in Him, and, more importantly, whose I am. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
I had a debt I could not pay…He paid a debt He did not owe. It was all because He loves me so. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I am weak… His strength is made perfect in it. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I feel I don’t belong… He says I am His. He has redeemed me, and called me by my name. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When my burdens are too heavy to carry… I can lay them at His feet, and He will take them from me. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
In Christ… I find my worth and my identity. …Grace… Grace… Grace…
When I’m cut off in traffic, …Grace…uh…Grace…uh…Grace…
When I’m so late and I can’t find my keys making me later, and then my car won’t start, …Grrrrr… ace… uhm… Grrrr… ace… Grrrrrrrace…
When someone is unkind and hurts my feelings, and all I want to do is hurt them back, …Grrr… ace… uhm… yeah
When I’m craving a chili cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, mustard and pickles, and I arrive home to find out that the girl at the drive-through gave me a grilled chicken sandwich… plain, …Grrrr…. Grrrr…. Grrrrrrrr…
Well, let’s just say… He is God and I am not! I want to be like Jesus. I have a long way to go. I am definitely a work in progress. I’m so thankful He doesn’t give up on me.
Thank God for His amazing grace! GRACE… GRACE… GRACE!